The theme I chose this semester of advanced ceramics is negative space. This includes cut out shapes and holes in projects. Another theme I had with the negative space was patterns that repeat. This includes spirals and shapes.

I chose this theme because it gives transparency to things and adds a layer of complexity to the projects. It also allows you too see the project differently at different angles, allowing you too see different parts of the project. The shapes and spirals in the project create a system and give a orderly look to the projects.

I started giving names to my projects after my first really cool negative space project, shark tooth, got accepted to be in a summer display at city hall. For some projects I would make an outline of what I wanted cut and then cut out clay. After I made a few of those projects I made a few projects that are designed to let light through the project and cast shadows on the walls by putting a candle on the inside if the project. My favorite project that i made this year was called "firefly". It has a dozen or so holes on he outside of it and has the inside of it fit for a tea light candle.

I chose this theme because I really like adding transparency to things because it Allows me to see throguh them without looking direct from above.
What I did: Negative space projects that allow me to see through it in some spaces, providing transparent and creating complex shapes. some projects were designed to have candles placed in them to create shadows on the walls.

Why i did it: gives transparency to things and can create intricate patterns of shapes.

how i did it: I would cut out some holes from objects, or carve into them. 

projects I'm going to show are: firefly, crown jewel, jack-o-lantern, window, and one more project that isn't finished yet.
I am thinking about making my theme for this semester negative space.
I don't quite have an idea for theme yet this semester but I'm thinking about doing something with odd shapes, or odd designs in glazes that attract the eye, like close details and intricate designs like whirlwinds.